Thursday, 24 April 2014

Germany Wants Eric Saade!

Morgen ist es so weit! Morgen findet das erste Fan Treffen in Berlin statt. Wir treffen uns um 14 Uhr am Brandenburger Tor. Keine Sorge, wenn ihr wegen Bus oder Bahn etwas zu spät kommt. Kann man halt nicht ändern.
Wenn ihr kommt, dann bringt doch bitte sämtliche Eric Saade Sachen mit, wie zum Beispiel T-Shirts, Taschen, die Sonnenbrillen, Mützen etc. Außerdem wären Deutschlandflaggen ganz gut.
Wir werden dann ein Foto machen, welches wir zu Eric twittern werden. Vielleicht, hoffentlich sieht er es ja :)
Ebenfalls sind Plakate gut. Wenn ihr schon mal welche gemacht habt, wo etwas wie "ERIC COME TO GERMANY" oder so drauf steht, bringt die mit! Kommt immer gut!
Lest gerne noch mal auf der deutschen Street Team Seite nach! :)

Monday, 21 April 2014

Talking about R.E.S.P.E.C.T.

Well Well Well.... The last days I was looking through some Comments under Eric's Instagram Pictures and I have to be honest, I was shocked! I even looked at some fans pages and damn. I never felt such a urge to apologise for Eric's fans.
As we all know Eric's girlfriend is Emma and during last week he posted a Picture of him and her on his Instagram. I think it was really cute and a step Forward. He never did this before. he rather let us stay in the dark before posting such a pic. But he did it and we should be grateful, That he trusts us and That he Shares it with us!
But NO! People write under his Picture "Bitch" and That Molly is better than Emma!
WHO GIVES YOU THE RIGHT?!?! You don't know Molly personally nor Emma. So how can YOU say and know who is better?
You just know her appearance and all you say is That she's an orange Monster?? How do you dare insulting her!? Especially when Eric and her can read it? Don't you care for their Feelings?
How do you even dare to say she is just behind his Money and his popularity?
I repeat myself! You do not know her, nor their relationship or intentions!
The last Picture over there... This is probably the most disrespectful shit I EVER read! And I can tell you. I read a lot!
I just do not understand how you can tell her such an Insult in her face! I mean she reads her tweets! She does not have to tweet something but you can be sure she will read this!
Probably she tries her best not to let this insults etc. come near her but I can tell you. It sure hurts reading this!
Even I felt hurt and angry! How do you dare! It's unbelievable! Well you Looks a bit too tanned for my taste but it's her Business! And all the other stuff or what they do in their relationship! As Long as both are happy and Eric still concentrates on his career everything is alright! And we should Support Eric in any way!
I don't know what Eric thinks when he reads thoose comments but I can tell you it's sure not a nice Feeling and maybe he will stop being so open like lately. he posted 2 pics and even tweeted a bit about Emma. It's a step Forward! You always wished for more Information and when you get them you don't want them or  hate them! What's wrong? You don't have to LOVEtheir relationship but you sure have to respect them and accept them cuz YOU won't Change it anyway. Be polite and nice towards Emma. She is the Girl who makes our Boy happy so she sure has to be happy too.
To be honest you should really just care about him being happy and about his Music. That's why we are here, don't we? We came together because of his Music. And not because of his current girlfriend. Keep That in mind. Remember your reasons why you are here.

Saturday, 19 April 2014

Vemdalen - 12/04/2014

Eric war in Vemdalen letztes Wochenende und ratet mal, wer da war :) ICH! haha
Ich bin schon früh am Freitag nach Oslo geflogen und hab mich dann mit dem norwegischen Street Team getroffen. Zusammen sind wir dann hoch nach Vemdalen gefahren. Ihr müsst wissen, Vemdalen ist keine Riesenstadt! Es ist eher ein kleiner Ort und das Ski-Resort dort ist noch kleiner. Es sind glaub ich 4 Hotels, alle irgendwie nebeneinander gelegen, 2 Restaurants, wenn ich richtig liege. Wie ihr vielleicht schon vermutet, hat man Eric ziemlich oft gesehen, da er nicht nur in seinem Zimmer rumhockt. Aber wir sind nicht zu ihm gegangen oder so, weil nun ja. Er hat halt seine private freie Zeit, da braucht er keine Fans, meiner Meinung jedenfalls!
Naja zurück zu Vemdalen.. Sein Konzert war einfach nur atemberaubend! Er hat viele Songs von der Coing Home Tour gesungen auch Boomerang! Er war einfach nur toll auf der Bühne! Man hat einfach gesehen, dass er Spaß hat und auch seine Fans waren der Wahnsinn. Wir standen in der zweiten Reihe und ich weiß wirklich nicht, ob er uns vielleicht erkannt hat oder nicht. Ich weiß nur, dass er manchmal einfach zu uns geschaut hat und gelächelt hat, und das ziemlich oft.
Nach dem Konzert sind wir noch Essen gegangen in einem Restaurant und zufälliger Weise haben Eric und das Team da auch gegessen. Wir haben sie natürlich in Ruhe gelassen!
Als er gehen wollte, hat er uns gesehen und ist zu unserem Tisch gekommen, hat hi gesagt und bedankte sich, dass wir zu seinem Konzert gekommen sind. Es war richtig süß von ihm, einfach mal vorbeizukommen. Nicht viele Stars würden das tun ;)
Naja am nächsten Tag sind wir schon wieder nach Oslo gefahren. Aber ehrlich! Dieser Trip war einfach nur klasse! Ich bin richtig froh, dass ich mitgefahren bin und ich würde es jederzeit wieder tun!
(P.S. Und ja die Bilder gehören mir! Ich hab sie nur mit meinen persönlichen Twitter belegt :) )
Last Weekend Eric was in Vemdalen and guess who was there! ME :D On friday morning I flew to Oslo to meet with the Norwegian Street Team and the we went together to Vemdalen. You have to know Vemdalen is a really Little town and the Ski Resort is built out of 4 Hotels at one place. So really really small! There were great opportunities to meet Eric in Restaurants etc. but bothering him in his freetime just felt wrong.
His concert was just breathtaking! He performed most of the Songs of the Coming Home tour and even Boomerang. His fans were LOUD and insane! It and he was awesome! He were Standing the the second row and I'm not sure if he recognized us but he often looked at us and smiled!
After the concert we went out for dinner and coincidentally we ate at the same Restaurant as Eric. Of course we left them alone.
When Eric wanted to leave he noticed us and came to our table. said Hi and thanked us for coming to his concert! It was really sweet of him stopping by and talk a bit to us. Not a lot of stars would do this!
The next day we went "Home" to Oslo again. To be honest this trip was just perfect! I met those amazing Girls from the street team and saw Eric and even kinda met him! I'm so happy That I went to Vemdalen and I really would do this anytime again!
(P.S. Yes These Pictures belong to me. I just tagged my personal twitter/Instagram in ;) )

Thursday, 10 April 2014

New Single

Am 1. Mai wird Erics neue Single "Du är aldrig ensam" (Du bist nie allein) erscheinen. Es ist ein schwedischer Song, der wohl in Kolumbien entstanden ist. Eric war gerstern erst im Studio, wahrscheinlich um diesen Song aufzunehmen. Vielleicht wird er auch bei Humorgalan am 1. Mai live gezeigt, jedoch liegen dazu noch keine Informationen vor.
Auf jeden Fall freue ich mich schon riesig darauf, wieder etwas von Eric zu hören :D

Eric is going to release a new single called "Du är aldrig ensam" (You are never alone) on first May. It is a Swedish song, which probably was created in Columbia. Yesterday Eric was in the Studio to record the song, I guess. Maybe there will be a live Performance or something at Humorgalan on first May but unfortunately there are no Information about it yet.
At any rate I'm really looking forward to hear something from Eric again :D

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Eric in Turkey

Eric ist mit dem Supermodel Caroline Winberg in der Türkei. Er selbst hatte nur am Montag verkündet, dass er dahin fliegt, aber leider nicht was er da tut. Auf dem ersten Bild sieht es so als hätte Eric ein Mikrofon am Hals, also ist es vielleicht für eine TV-Show. Leider kein Photoshooting für Unterwäsche :(

Eric is with the Swedish Supermodel Caroline Winberg in Turkey. He self tweeted on Monday That he will flight there but unfortunately not why he do so. In the first pic it Looks like he has a microphone at his neck, so maybe it is for a TV-Show. Unfortunately no photo shoot for mens' underwear :(


Am 5. April findet in der SDA ein Vortanzen für Eric statt, d.h. es werden Tänzer gesucht, die mit Eric am 11. Mai in Stockholm auf der Bühne stehen.
Das Team hat sich die Mühe gemacht den langen SDA Text für uns auf englisch zu übersetzen. :)

On April, 5th, there will be an Audition in the SDA for Eric's Performance on 11th May.
here is the english Translation:

Exclusive audition for current and new students at Scandinavian Dance Academy

Now you've got the chance to be a dancer behind one of Sweden's biggest pop stars.

SDA ambition is to give students unique opportunities and real stage experience.
You will rehearse together, laugh together, argue together and finally, dance together with Eric Saade in Ericsson Globe on May 11th.

This is ...
NOT for beginners.
The level is advanced and the applicant are required a certain knowledge in Jazz and/or Hiphop dance.

To be able to join the auditions, you need to be a member of Scandinavian Dance Academy.

If you're not a member - don't worry.
You can still become a member by entering a course at SDA.

Date: April 5th
Time: 5PM - 8 PM
Level: Advanced
Bring: A photo of yourself

Following dancers will join Eric on stage:
- Alex Jafarzadeh
- Kenny Lantz
- Amir Ashoor
- Alexandro Duchén

Contact Scandinavian Dance Academy on Facebook to submit your:
- First & Last Name
- Age
- Dance Company
- Dance Experience

(Remember the requirements listed above)
A confirmation is sent to you before 8 PM on April 4th if you got a place at the audition.

"Your Happiness Is Our Driving Force"

//Scandinavian Dance Academy

April fool 2014

Der April hat begonnen und, wie auch zu erwarten, gab es einen echt guten Scherz von Eric und dem Team. Das Saade-Kondom!
RFSU ist eine schwedische Kondom-Firma und im April-Scherz Text stand, dass Eric oft deren Produkte benutzt und nun an auch eigene Kondome kreieren wird. Natürlich war das nur ein Scherz.
Aber stellt euch mal vor, es wäre keiner! Würdet ihr diese kaufen gehen? :)

The April came and as expected Eric and the Team tricked us with the new Merchandise in their shop, The Saade-Condom!
RFSU is a swedish Condom-Company and in the Facebook April fool's text was written That Eric often uses their product and from now Eric will create some condoms for them. Of Course it was only a Joke!
But just imagine it woul be true! Would you buy them? :)