Thursday 3 April 2014


Am 5. April findet in der SDA ein Vortanzen für Eric statt, d.h. es werden Tänzer gesucht, die mit Eric am 11. Mai in Stockholm auf der Bühne stehen.
Das Team hat sich die Mühe gemacht den langen SDA Text für uns auf englisch zu übersetzen. :)

On April, 5th, there will be an Audition in the SDA for Eric's Performance on 11th May.
here is the english Translation:

Exclusive audition for current and new students at Scandinavian Dance Academy

Now you've got the chance to be a dancer behind one of Sweden's biggest pop stars.

SDA ambition is to give students unique opportunities and real stage experience.
You will rehearse together, laugh together, argue together and finally, dance together with Eric Saade in Ericsson Globe on May 11th.

This is ...
NOT for beginners.
The level is advanced and the applicant are required a certain knowledge in Jazz and/or Hiphop dance.

To be able to join the auditions, you need to be a member of Scandinavian Dance Academy.

If you're not a member - don't worry.
You can still become a member by entering a course at SDA.

Date: April 5th
Time: 5PM - 8 PM
Level: Advanced
Bring: A photo of yourself

Following dancers will join Eric on stage:
- Alex Jafarzadeh
- Kenny Lantz
- Amir Ashoor
- Alexandro Duchén

Contact Scandinavian Dance Academy on Facebook to submit your:
- First & Last Name
- Age
- Dance Company
- Dance Experience

(Remember the requirements listed above)
A confirmation is sent to you before 8 PM on April 4th if you got a place at the audition.

"Your Happiness Is Our Driving Force"

//Scandinavian Dance Academy

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