Dass Eric gerne auf Parties geht, ist wohl mittlerweile kein Geheimnis mehr, doch dass er absichtlich eine fremde Party "übernimmt" ist wahrscheinlich doch ziemlich überraschend.
Nun ja... Kurz um... "Paradise Hotel" (Schwedische TV Show) wollte in Cafe Opera feiern gehen, Abschlussfeier mäßig, doch ihre Party war doof. Eric und seine Freunde, wie z.B. Sean Banan, gingen ebenfalls an dem Abend in Cafe Opera, wo man sie natürlich schon ziemlich gut kennt, und haben eine kleine Weihnachtsfeier haben wollen.
Paradise Hotel vs. Eric.... Eric gewinnt.
Am Ende sind Paradise Hotel wütend aus dem Club gegangen und haben am nächsten Tag behauptet, Eric hätte Ihre Feier übernommen.
Nur Eric kann ja nichts dafür. Hätte er wissen können, dass die da feiern wollten? Ist ja nicht so als wäre Eric extra da hin gegangen, um deren Party zu crashen.
Unten folgt die Englische Übersetzung von dem Artikel von Aftonbladet.
Eric likes to party. No big deal, no secret. But that he crashs and overtakes a party that's something new.
In short... "Paradise Hotel" (swedish TV Show) anted to have a final party at Cafe Opera... and it sucked. Well Eric and his friends also decided to go there to have a little Christmas Party and well they are well knows there and stuff.
Paradise Hotel vs. Eric.... Eric won!
After a while Paradise Hotel left quiet angry and told the media the next day that Eric crashed and overtook their party.
Well... How should have Eric known that they would go party there? how should have Eric known it was a kind of private party? They went there like always.
Here is the english translation of an article from Aftonbladet.
"Paradise Hotel" participants rage against the party: "It´s a Disaster"(translation)
Last year, she was kicked out of the final party.
This year, Paulina Danielsson voluntarily leaved the party in rage along with the rest of "Paradise Hotel" participants.
- Eric Saade and his gang takes over, she says.
They arrived in a big tourist bus and had to walk a few hundred meters in the cold to get into the final party at Café Opera.
They looked forward to a crashing party after the autumn season of "Paradise Hotel".
But the party feelings were quickly replaced with anger.
In the VIP section, it was difficult to move, something that the winner Paulina "Paow" Danielsson quickly responded.
- I am not at all happy with the party, she says.
Smail Alihodzic agree.
- What chaos it is. Do not understand why they let in so damn many people in here. Does not feel good right now with the party, he says.
Calle Atkins was also not satisfied with the party.
- It's really bad. It´s to much people and I can´t be here, he says.
Shortly before two o'clock at night was Smail Alihodzic about to leave - and quickly with the rest of the reality show profiles.
- It is impossible here, too much chaos. I don´t know how to solve this, maybe have a own party somewhere else, he says.
Michelle Iderborn left in a rage.
- It's a disaster. We have become so damn badly treated. An employee asked, "Who the hell are you?" This would be our party. I'm really angry, she says.
Paow was not satisfied with how the party was organized.
- Not to be self-important but they have taken in to much people. Up here, it should be PH with friends. But Eric Saade and his gang are here and taking over the party. There is not so much to a final party, she says.
(translation from Facebook: Eric Saade Europe)
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