Sunday, 24 August 2014

Arvika + Sävsjö 23/08/2014


Zuerst in Arvika und einige Stunden später schon auf der Bühne in Sävsjö. Strenger Zeitplan bei Eric.
Am Samstag, dem 23. August, hatte Eric erst eine Gastperformance bei der RIX FM Show In Arvika und musste dann ganz schnell zu seinem Konzert in Sävsjö flitzen, wo schon seine Fans gewartet haben. Laut einigen Fans soll das Konzert wohl eine Bombenshow gewesen sein! Hoffentlich sehen wir bald Videos :)
First in Arvika and some hours later Eric performes on stage in Sävsjö. What a busy day.
On Saturday, the 23rd August Eric had first a guest Performance at the RIX FM show in Arvika then he had to hurry to his own concert in Sävsjö where his fans already waited for him. A lot of Fans say this concert was absolutely awesome. Hopefully we'll see soon Videos as a prove haha :)

2 years since Sopot, Poland

Zwei Jahre ist es her, seit Eric das erste Mal in Sopot, Polen für die TV Show "Top Of The Top" war. Dies war ein Wettbewerb von einem Radiosender RMF FM und der Show. Eric kam, sang, siegte und verließ Polen mit 2 Awards in der Tasche..

Two years ago Eric was in Sopot, Poland for the very first time for the TV show "Top Of The Top". It was a contest, once from the Radiochannel RMF FM and the show in itself. Eric came and left with 2 Awards.

Thursday, 21 August 2014



Hallo! Und wieder alles auf Englisch. Kooperation mit Eric Saade Europe on Facebook :)

Hello :)

In our last post you can read what we plan for Eric’s birthday and there we said we will do a little contest!

As we said we will include Drawings, Photoshops, Comics you draw, Memes of Eric whatever you want him to see!
We know there are a lot of talented people in this SaadeFamily and a lot of great pictures but unfortunately we think that we can’t put all of them on the letter. We are really sorry.

And we already know that we can never decide by our own which picture of you will be on the letter we thought “Hey, why don’t we do a contest? The fans send us their OWN drawing, Photoshop etc. and we put it on our fan page and the 5 with the most likes will be on the Letter!”

So here it is!

You can send us Drawings, Photoshops, comics or Memes you made or whatever to till the 28th September. At midnight of the day we will upload all the photos at once and you have one week to gain as much likes as possible. :)

You can send as many as you want. But IF your Edits get the most likes only 1 Will be on the letter. Only this way we can give other fans the same Chance :)

Please send us the pics WITHOUT Watertag! We will put one with your Name/twitter on. Reason: Without watertag it will look best on the letter :)

On 5th October the Voting ends at 6pm the voting closes and we will announce the winners.
Make sure it is really YOUR OWN picture. No cheating here!

+++ Birthday Present for Eric +++


Hey! Der folgende Post wird wieder auf Englisch sein, da er in Kooperation mit Team Saade Europe erfolgt. Bitte Lesen! Es geht um Eric's GEBURTSTAGSGESCHENK!!!

Hello :)

As you all already know Eric’s birthday is in about 2 months and of course we will send him a present and we want YOU to help us! It will be something new which he never had before.

The first part of the present (the easy part) will be 24 Birthday cards of which we create 23 cards by ourselves. On the front of each 23 Cards will be Numbers (1-23) which will be surrounded by little pics of you. They can be funny, weird, serious.. You decide. On the inside of the cards we will have a birthday saying (for each Card a different one) and add your first name and your country. This should show him how BIG His SaadeFamily is and where we are from :)

We will buy the last card since we wanted to have at least one “normal” birthday card in. It will be a funny one we both decided on :)

The second part will be a huge HUUUUUGE letter! (Look in the second pic above)In it we will add your drawings, photoshops, memes, comics whatever you did and think Eric should see. For this part we will do a little Contest – More information in the next post!

Also we will include WEIRD AND FUNNY Pictures of you with a SHORT Letter, in which you tell Eric your name, your country, your Story how you came to Eric, and why Eric should come to your country! Be creative and funny :) and please only write about half a MS Word page.

On the huge letter we will also add a part where we tell him to use Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and the Community more often.

Also we would like to know the 10 things you love about Eric. Just write us this in the mail and we will make a #TOP10 List out of it and write it on the letter ;)

And maybe you can remember writing a Christmas List for Santa Clause? We want you to write a Wish list to Eric, which also will be like the Top10 on the letter. Your wishes can be as weird as you want, but please no stripping on stage or something like that.

Also we will print some tweets and put them on the letter randomly. We will secretly look on Twitter, if we can see something appealing.

Now the Dates. For the drawings etc. you will see more in the following Post.

The pictures and names for the first part please send them to us till 25th September. It will need a while to do the cards.

For the second part we need your weird pics + fanletter, the 10 things as well as your wishlist until the 5th October.

We are really sorry that the deadline is kinda close but it takes a lot of time to do everything and the present has to be sent at least a week before his birthday so we can be sure it will be there on his birthday :)
We hope you can understand and respect this.

Keep an eye on Eric Saade Europe on Facebook. :)

Saturday, 16 August 2014

Rockbjörnen Interview



Eric war gestern gemeinsam mit Anton Ewald bei Rockbjörnen live im Studio und wurden von Frida Söderlund interviewt. Eric hat endlich bestätigst, dass er an einem neuen Album arbeitet. Er sagt, er habe schon einen Song für die Fans geschrieben, weigert sich aber diesen zu veröffentlichen, da er meint, er sei noch nicht gut genug :(
Außerdem hat er noch darüber gesprochen, wie viel ihm die SaadeFamily bedeutet und was er schon alles mit ihnen erlebt hat. Zum Beispiel erwähnt er, die Story mit dem Dildo, der ihm auf die Bühne geworfen wurde. Das war wahrscheinlich das komischste Geschenk, dass er je bekommen hat.
Hoffentlich wird bald jemand das Interview komplett übersetzen und auf YouTube stellen. Wenn das der Fall sein soll, werde ich es natürlich gleich auf Twitter posten! :)
Auf jeden Fall solltet ihr nicht vergessen für die Saadefamily auf Rockbjörnen zu Voten. Nur noch ein Paar Tage sind übrig.

Hier geht's zum Voting :)

Eric was together with Anton Ewald in the Rockbjörnen Studio for a live interview with Frida Söderlund. Eric has confessed finally That he is working on a new Album. He also said he do indeed has an unreleased song about his fans. But he refuse to release it yet, since he thinks it's not good enough. :(
Eric also said how Important the Saadefamily is for him and what stories he went through with us. For example he tells the Story about the Dildo, a Fan throw on stage.
I hope somebody will translate and publish the interview soon. As soon as this happens you will know it cuz I'll post it on twitter :)
Of course don't Forget to vote for SaadeFamily at Rockbjörnen. Only a few days of Voting are left.

Here to the Voting :)

Monday, 11 August 2014

Back in the Studio

Eric ist zurück im Studio, wenn er nicht gerade bei RIXFM auf der Bühne steht, oder Interviews mit Fanpages gibt. :)
Er nimmt neue Songs für sein neues Album auf, welches nächstes Jahr erscheinen soll :)

Eric is back in the Studio, if he isn't on the RIXFM stage, or gives interviews with fanpages :)
He records Songs for his new Album which should be released next year :)


Zurzeit laufen einige Votings für Eric. In Norwegen will der Radiosender NRJ den besten Sommerhit überhaupt finden und natürlich ist Eric und Tone mit ihrem Song "Imagine" nominiert.
Lasst uns den Sieg holen haha :)
Hier geht's zum Voting :)

At the Moment there are some votings where Eric is included. In Norway the Radio NRJ wants to find the summer hit of all times. And offc Eric and Tone are nominated with their Summerhit "Imagine". Let's win this :)
Here goes to the Voting :)

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Sunday, 3 August 2014

Picture of the day

Augenbrauen machen Leute! hahaha
Eyebrows make People! hahaha


Eric wurde leider nicht dieses Jahr für die Rockbjörnen Awards nominiert, dafür aber WIR!
Jetzt ist es an der Zeit, das WIR dieses Pokal nach Hause bringen.
Also votet für "Saadefamily" als beste Fans auf Rockbjörnen :)

Unfortunately Eric is not nominated this year for Rockbjörnen. But WE are!
Now it's time to bring this Award home!
So VOTE for "Saadefamily" as best fans on Rockbjörnen :)

Little Time off in Helsingborg

Eric nimmt zurzeit eine kleine Auszeit in Helsingborg gemeinsam mit seiner Freundin. Zur ersten RIX FM Show wird er dann top fit und braun sein. Hoffen wir nur, er wird diesen Bräunungsstreifen auf der Stirn los! :)

Eric is taking a Little Time off in Helsingborg together with his girlfriend. For the first show he will be top fit and tanned. Hopefully he get rid of the stripe on his forehead! :)