I know That not everyone has the Chance to travel and see Eric and I guess there is no one who doesn't want to see him live. Or are YouTube Videos from some lucky fans enough for you? I don't think so. But complaining isn't helping in this case. YOU have to do something! YOU have to make Eric more popular in your Country so the demand is bigger and then he might come! I don't guarantee anything! I have no right to promise something! But you have to try it and not sit around and hope for something. You Need to be active and help him in your Country. Maybe then there will be a European Tour next year ;)
You probably wonder
"What can I do to help him??"here are some tips and I and other fans are willing to help you.
- Make your friends or other People buy his Music/CD's. It increases the Request of Eric in your Country :)
- Form Street Teams for certain parts of your Country and Support him as much as you can >> Street Teams help the Organisation and increases the creativity.
- Be brave and call Radio channels in which Eric's Music could fit! Use Special programs like "Wish your song" etc. Ask friends and other fans to help! If you Need a shout out - just ask!
- If People say they don't want him in your Country.. Ignore them or prove them wrong! Don't let yourself down!
- Suggest Eric at Festivals or concerts when the Organisation ask which one you wanna have there! Again use the help of other fans and your friends! The more votes he gets the higher chances you have!
- What you also can do is start having a Facebook fanpage for your Country where you can plan certain stuff or just Keep the members up to date. Blogs help too, if you like writing! Just have it organised!
- NEVER Forget the print media! Magazines have a big power! If People are bored and Standing etc. they look trough them! So connect to them and ask if they can publish a poster, an interview anything!
- Be creative and crazy! Be brave and try stuff out! You can do it! Also have at least one Person who is in contact with Team Saade! This Person doesn't have to ask the whole time "When does Eric come to......" NO! Just one Person to have a line to same for example via Community! Then you can even get tips and tricks of them!
- My last Tip is... NEVER LOSE HOPE! I saw many fans who kinda lose hope and left even though they like him! And don't Forget about Eric.. It is calm around him I know! And yes I do believe That he should be more online and care for his fans. but right now he is busy recording new Music and sorting stuff out for his summer concerts. Also the Management is quite busy at the Moment. just Keep Patient and stay here with us! You can have great friends in this fandom if you let us be there for you ;)
Well That were my Basic tips... I'm trying them out by myself. And yes I have less time than some months ago but I'm still here and trying to make Eric more popular outside Scandinavia. Especially because after this summer I won't be able to travel for Eric anymore. So I really hope he gets his sexy butt out of That cold Country to some warmer regions ;) (Yes, I'm from Germany and I always freeze my butt off when I am in Sweden/Norway)